Definition of person data
For demonstration of incorporation monitoring for Th-227 a special dataset is created as shown on the left.
Definition of material handling data
For decision on the need of individual monitoring the potential dose due to unknown intakes has to be estimated. For this purpose the material handling has to be specified.
In this example material parameters are assumed to be as follows:
The handling of this material is assumed to be as follows:
With these parameters the following potential exposure is calculated according to the German regulations (RiPhyKo):
Decision on the need of individual monitoring
There is a need for individual monitoring if the annual dose due to potential intakes is more than1 mSv. In this example the potential dose is 3,1 mSv. So
Definition of routine monitoring procedure
There are two general requirements for routine monitoring:
The monitoring procedure is defined by
IDEA System checks any reasonable monitoring procedure with respect to both criteria. If the procedure meets one of the two criteria, the respective line in the table (left) is indicated in yellow. So, for example, routine monitoring by urine measurements with the monitoring interval being 30d would meet the misinterpretation criterion, but it would not meet the sensitivity criterion because the detectable activity is 0,4 mBq, this being below the LLD of 1 mBq.
If the monitoring procedure meets both requirements, the respective line in the table is indicated in light green.
So, in the case of Th-227, routine monitoring by feces measurement with the monitoring interval being 30 d would meet both requirements.
...will be continued...