IDEA System offers various training courses for getting familiar with the expert system at your institution


TE-01 (1 day)


Introduction into the expert system using case studies with typical radionuclides from nuclear technique, nuclear science, and nuclear medicine


TE-02 (2 days)


Introduction into the regulations for internal dosimetry and incorporation monitoring and introduction into the expert system using case studies with typical radionuclides from nuclear technique, nuclear science, and nuclear medicine



TE-03 (3 days)


Introduction into the regulations for internal dosimetry and incorporation monitoring and introduction into the expert system using case studies with typical radionuclides from nuclear technique, nuclear science, and nuclear medicine; discussion of special aspects of internal dosimetry, such as the assessment of the dose to the offspring




Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Richard Doerfel

IDEA System GmbH, Am Burgweg 4, D-76227 Karlsruhe, Germany.
